
Vaidyagrama – Day 4

I’ve been having abhyanga, which is an oil massage treatment for 2 days. Yesterday I had an additional treatment called Navra where they kind of hit you with these little balls that are full of herbs, it’s supposed to loosen any blockages u have in your body.

I felt quite relaxed yesterday but this morning just felt like it’s taken it out of me. The doc today said the more toxins the more tiring it may feel. They’re saying my acne is due to impurities in blood, will give me some meds and should see result in 3 months.

I’ve been told to relax here, not do anything strenuous – now I understand today I’m exhausted! I even slept in, usually I would wake up at 5.45am, however I slept till 7.30am today and slept at 9.30pm!